Spring 2019 One Room Challenge: Cheering On Fellow Guest Participants!

I love scrolling through the designs of the other bloggers who are participating in the One Room Challenge. There are SO many talented people out there!! I love the supportive nature of this challenge - it makes this process that much more fun. With that in mind, I wanted to share some designs that have caught my eye. I would seriously love to share everyone, but that would be an incredibly long blog post! I encourage everyone to go browse through all of the designs, you will definitely find a ton of inspiration!

ALSO — if you’re participating in the challenge (or thinking about participating in the future) and you want some tips on how to quickly link up your weekly blog posts… keep scrolling- I’m sharing my tips for how I got the top spot last week!


Holland Avenue Home

Avery of Holland Avenue Home is designing this beautiful sun room - with a DIY bed swing!! You definitely need to go check out her progress!


Craven Haven

My friend Mackenzie has been designing a nursery for her new little boy - expected in August! I’m obsessed with this combo of wallpaper + wall paint!


That Homebird Life

My friend Jude is also doing a dining room makeover and her entryway is included! She has incredible style so I can’t wait to see how it turns out!


Girl & Grey

Courtney has been turning her SHED into a super stylish office space and I’m so impressed with her progress so far!! She’s seriously making me think about alllll the possibilities for my own backyard sheds!


Bre Purposed

Bre has been working on her half bathroom, and I was so excited to learn that you can put new tile over older tile!! Did you all know that?! And the tile she chose is absolutely amazing- her design is really coming together beautifully!


Blush Colored Glasses

Karly is making over her laundry room and I’m loving everything about it so far!! She just found an antique door that is to die forrrr!


Home on Poplar Creek

You need to check out this master bedroom design! How gorgeous does that light fixture look against the black wall!! And that headboard!! So good!


Gilded Hearth

I’ve loved following along with Emily’s kitchen transformation! She is not only participating in the One Room Challenge, but she literally just moved into this home AND she’s expecting her second baby! I love Emily’s style and I have no doubts that her makeover will turn out gorgeous!


Trim Design Co.

The girls over at Trim Design Co. are working on a master bedroom makeover. I love seeing their progress and ideas each week - they have an incredible eye for combining vintage with new items! I’m so excited to see their final design!!


Hilltown House

Lindsey is making over 3 different spaces for this One Room Challenge and she is seriously killing it so far!! I especially love her take on the grid wall - she gave it a “plaid” look and it’s so gorgeous!

Like I said in the beginning of this post - there are SO many gorgeous designs, so definitely carve out a block of time to sit and scroll through everyone participating this season!! The featured designers are also all, obviously, amazing as well!

OK… now onto my tips for linking up your post! Truthfully, I don’t think that being in the top spot of the link up is the most important factor to having your design noticed. I think choosing an eye catching thumbnail is the best way to make sure people want to click through to your post! BUT I am a very competitive person by nature and wanted to try and get that top spot at least once! After 2 weeks of trying, I finally got the number one spot last week! And for those of you who haven’t participated in the One Room Challenge - every Wednesday at 11pm EST a “link up” opens up on the ORC website. Bloggers go in and copy + paste the URL to their weekly blog post and this where everyone can easily find each other’s posts and click through to other blogs.

While I’m definitely competitive, I also like helping people and I think there’s enough room in this creative world for everyone! So I wanted to share some tips that helped make my link up process easier.

1) Publish your weekly post earlier in the day on Wednesday. Make sure there’s nothing wrong with the post or URL - this gives you time to fix it before the link up opens.
2) The link up page automatically inserts the first photo that appears in your blog post as the thumbnail to use; and that thumbnail is cropped down to a square. I started choosing which picture I want to be my thumbnail and cropping it myself. I then put that image at the beginning of my blog posts so that I don’t have to edit it at all when I’m linking up.
3) Right before the link up opens, go to your blog post and copy the URL.
4) Once the link up is open, you can just paste the URL in and your thumbnail image will already be set.
5) Type anything into the “title” - I’ve been doing the same title each time to make it easier for people to follow along with me. You can also edit this field after you’ve uploaded. You cannot edit the thumbnail photo though.
6) The last tip I have is to make sure you are linking up in the appropriate area. There is a BLOG section and an INSTAGRAM ONLY section- take a second to read and make sure you’re linking up under the correct one. I made the mistake of not doing that once!

And there you have it!! I hope you found these tips helpful! May the fastest copier + paster get # 1 tonight!


ORC Week 4: Finding My Interior Style | April 2019
One Room Challenge (Tips and Advice) | February 2019